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iBOT Personal Mobility Device


Scott Bartholomew grew up in northeastern New York State. He grew up enjoying many outdoor activities: skiing, snowshoeing, boating, fishing, scuba diving, riding dirt bikes, golfing, and more. His favorite thing to do with his family was their annual family reunions.


 In 1994, Scott began to experience symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis, which he initially attributed to a pinched nerve in his back. Four years later, after losing vision in his right eye, an eye doctor referred him to a neurologist. Following two years of extensive testing, Scott was finally diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.


Scott's hero and greatest supporter is his wife, who has been instrumental in helping him accept the limitations imposed by his condition while still finding joy in life. She encouraged him with the words, “We’re still going to do things that bring us joy, it’s just going to go a little slower.”


By 2001, Scott developed a slight limp, which progressed to paralysis on his right side by 2006. He retired in 2012, and his mobility has been further restricted due to the lack of necessary medical equipment. Currently, he primarily relies on a scooter, which struggles with grass and his gravel driveway due to its small wheels.


Scott learned about the iBOT from one of its original users and was amazed by the freedom it provided. He witnessed the user navigating the beach, climbing stairs, and more, which opened Scott's mind to possibilities like beach vacations and having eye-level conversations again.


Eager to overcome his current limitations, Scott looks forward to using the iBOT and its many features. The iBOT will enable him to explore the woods around his home, navigate his gravel driveway with ease, and garden more efficiently.


“When someone tells me “You aren’t capable of doing that” it usually just motivates me to do it... without them.”

-Scott Bartholomew


American Mobility Project is thrilled to announce that Scott has been approved for an equipment grant for an iBOT Personal Mobility Device. We look forward to seeing Scott regain his independence and embrace his newfound freedom!





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