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iBOT Personal Mobility Device


Garrett Lanpher, 23, from Dallas, Texas, has lived with Cerebral Palsy (CP) since birth, affecting all his limbs. Despite the challenges, Garrett views his life as a gift and is determined to pursue his goals. He enjoys watching sports, spending time with family, playing video games, and attending various events.


Currently attending college since 2018, Garrett also participates in recreational and swim therapy. He lives with his supportive mom and believes a special mobility aid will greatly enhance his independence, allowing him to fully experience life and join family activities at their ranch.


Garrett's main motivation is to be the best version of himself and his heroes are his family and Kobe Bryant. His advice to others is to follow their hearts, chase their dreams, and maintain a positive mindset, never giving up despite difficulties. Garrett is excited about the prospect of a new wheelchair that will enable him to explore and enjoy more activities.


"I am considered a quad involved person with CP. This means that all of my limbs are affected by the brain injury. I will say that at times my life has been more challenging than others but I like to think of my life and the cards I was dealt as a gift and not a crutch. that being said I have had lots of different points in my life that have made me the person I am today. I did not let the fact that I have special needs stop me from doing what I want to do in my life. it just means that I have to work a little harder than most. 


I think that having a special mobility aid will have a major positive impact in my life because it will allow me go places see and experience things moments that will not and would not be possible without this device and I want to be able to go anywhere and do all the things that everyone else in my family can do. I believe having this device will allow me to accomplish that goal. When it comes to goals in my work life at this point I am not really sure but I can say this: I want to be able to make a lot of money and be successful but most importantly I want to enjoy what I do because that way it won’t feel like work to me, with a mobility aid that will be so much easier.  I want to be able to go to outdoor events and spend time with my brothers and grandfather at the ranch. My brothers got to build the house on the ranch with my grandfather and I wasn’t able to help because I couldn’t get around with my normal wheelchair. Some things I like to do for fun are play video games and go to the park go to the movies and go to sporting events and the mall, all of which require me to have a mobility aid."


American Mobility Project is proud to provide Garrett with an equipment grant for an iBOT Personal Mobility Device. We can't wait to see all the new things Garrett will be able to do at the ranch with the help of the iBOT and its features. Congratulations, Garrett! 

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